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School Messenger
July 31, 2025
Hello Falcon Parents, this is Trevor Honohan, Principal of The Audubon Park School K8. Thank you for your attention, I will be efficient and brief. As you are aware, our school-wide [email protected] plan for ALL students begins on August 10th. Our teachers begin planning and preparing for this launch tomorrow and all of next week. We are all eager to work with our students and are anticipating our continued greatness. I'd like to thank all parents, students and staff members for your patients and for your support of me and this great school.
While some people may feel like all of the pieces are falling apart, we are looking at this as a way to catch the pieces and put them together differently. Yesterday one of our teachers sent me an email, she said...some of our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are faced with situations like the one before us, for it is only in those such moments, propelled by our discomfort that we are likely to find different or truer ways. That is what we will do at APS. That is what you can expect and that is what I need your help in creating. I also need you to remain compassionate and flexible. Please remember we are all in this together. We are a team and we will remain steadfast in being compassionate even when we become frustrated. Because that may be a possibility some days as we move through this new experience together.
Parents, you can expect a call from your child's teachers on or before August 7th. We are tweaking classroom assignments based on students' survey results. I am very pleased and encouraged by the large majority of families who will remain connected to Audubon whether it be Face2Face or [email protected] Lastly please stay connected to our website and social media pages for information regarding device pick up and other important items.
Have a great weekend.
School Messenger
August 1, 2025
Falcon parents, as we approach the start of school on August 10th, you will want to revisit skyward for pertinent information.
Parent and Student Access will not be available until August 7th.
The student schedule will appear on the left side of the student dashboard in Skyward.
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Below is an example of what the students see in Skyward.
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For skyward technical support please email Ms. Frohlich at [email protected]
As always, thank you for your support,
Trevor Honohan, Principal
[email protected]
Stay connected with School Messenger
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SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation's leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.
1. Ensure your preferred mobile device number is on file with your school(s).
2. Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone then hit send. (Text YES from the device to 68453.)

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*Summer Assignments
Interactive Map of APS

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